On The Nose: Everything You Need To Know About Septics

4 Reasons That May Lead You To Replace Your Old Septic Tank

No one installs a septic tank with the aim of replacing it. For all means and purposes, septic tanks are put below ground with the aim of keeping them there permanently. However, that does not always turn out to be the case. There are various factors that may lead you to replace your unit. Read on to see what these factors are and whether you may be in one of these categories.

Your septic tank is damaged

Though uncommon, septic tanks do get damaged. Septic tank damage can be caused by several factors. One is dilapidation, where ongoing construction works nearby indirectly damage your tank. Natural disasters such as earthquakes can also cause the same. Incorrect use such as driving vehicles over horizontal septic tanks can also cause damage. When damaged, your tank will crack or break and start leaking waste. This causes a health hazard that demands the tank be decommissioned and replaced immediately.

Your septic tank is too small for your current waste needs

Sometimes, your existing septic tank may grow inadequate for your needs. This can happen if your household grows exponentially due to housing workers, members of the extended family, children and other friends or relatives. Construction of granny flats can also overload an existing septic tank. When overloaded, a septic tank will fill faster, requiring pump-outs at a rate that is not manageable. When this happens, you will need to get a larger capacity tank to accommodate your waste needs.

Your septic system was incorrectly or illegally installed

If your septic tank is incorrectly installed, you will be required to install it afresh or replace the tank entirely. This can happen due to a number of reasons such as: The tank was not commissioned by a health inspector, the tank is not approved, the tank was installed in the wrong place, the tank was incorrectly installed, etc. Often, this is due to a previous owner's mistakes or overlooks. For health and safety reasons, you will be required to replace or reinstall your septic tank.

You want to upgrade your septic tank system

Today, septic tanks have evolved and you may opt to get a newer system that breaks down waste faster. Examples of newer septic tanks systems include compartmentalized tanks or twin tanks where the system has two chambers to reduce sludge backflow. You can also get a system with a holding tank to prolong the pump-out duration. There are also alternative septic tank systems that utilize aerobic bacterial action to break down waste faster and in a cleaner, sustainable manner. Such alternative systems eliminate the need for pump-outs and create cleaner reusable water for irrigation. Work with a business like Earthsafe Services Pty Ltd to learn more about upgrading your system.

Before replacing your tank, be sure to consult your local council and your local health inspector to have your site and tank system approved.
