On The Nose: Everything You Need To Know About Septics

Five Environmental Benefits Of Domestic Wastewater Treatment

The water we use in our homes is known as domestic wastewater. It's the water that is flushed down the toilet or rinsed off our plates and dishes. This type of wastewater isn't just dirty with soap and food particles, it also contains chemicals from shampoos and cleaning products.

Domestic wastewater treatment is a vital part of protecting our environment from the effects of pollution. Here are five ways that treating  wastewater can help safeguard the health of your local waterways:

1. It Can Benefit The Environment By Protecting Waterways From Harmful Waste Products

Wastewater treatment removes many harmful substances before it enters local waterways. These include bacteria like E-coli, parasites, and viruses that cause diseases such as hepatitis A, typhoid fever, and cholera. Other harmful substances include nitrates, phosphates, and heavy metals which can cause toxic algal blooms if they enter local waterways.

2. It Can Benefit The Environment By Reducing Sewer Backup

A sewer backup occurs when wastewater backs up through your pipes and drains into your home or business. This can cause serious damage to both property and health, especially if left untreated for any length of time. Treating your wastewater via a domestic wastewater treatment system before it enters the sewer system reduces the risk of sewer backups by removing solids from it first.

3. It Can Benefit The Environment By Preventing Algal Blooms

Algal blooms are one of the most common types of water pollution in fresh bodies of water like lakes, rivers, streams, and ponds. These blooms can cause fish kills and other problems by depriving them of oxygen with their overgrowth as well as releasing toxins into the water which affect animals that live there too such as birds and frogs.

4. It Can Benefit The Environment By Aiding Water Conservation

Wastewater treatment prevents waste from entering our rivers, lakes, and oceans. This reduces the risk of water contamination, which can cause serious health problems. The treated water can then be used for irrigation and other agricultural needs.

5. It Can Benefit The Environment By Reducing Greenhouse Gas emissions

In addition to conserving water and preventing contamination, a domestic wastewater treatment system also helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. When organic material decomposes in landfills or on the ground it releases methane into the atmosphere — a harmful greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change. The less organic material we have in our wastewater systems means fewer methane emissions.

Wastewater treatment can be carried out using different methods and systems, depending on the type of waste being treated and the quality of water needed by the user. Chat with a septic expert for more information about a domestic wastewater treatment system today. 
